Giving Back

We care about our community and beyond

At Yallamundi Farm, we want to have a positive impact – not just on our land,
but on the wider world.

Our vision for a better, fairer
and more sustainable world

We’re a family-owned farm, and we’re committing to supporting
organisations that improve lives for families and communities.

In everything we do, we consider the legacy we’re leaving for future
generations – and giving back is just one way of ensuring we leave the
world a better place.

icon hands

As part of this commitment, we donate 5 cents from
the sale of our egg products to charities that
share our vision.

eggs in a carton

Donated so far (30 June 2020)

At Yallamundi Farm we believe in giving back to the wider community, and donate a
portion of our sales to those who need it most.
